Stop Signs
Please, please, PLEASE, residents of The Palisades: stop at the stop signs in town. I sit at Pali Garden Cafe many mornings, literally no one stops at the t-junction at Alma Real and La Cruz. Aren’t we better that this??
As our (hopefully) rainy season begins, homeowners please check to make sure your street gutters are cleared of leafy debris and trash. There is no excuse for letting this stuff flow into the ocean.
I love that the Palisades has the tradition of the Interfaith Thanksgiving service. What a special thing for the community.
Neighborhood Watch
I was feeling inspired after hearing about neighborhoods setting up a large groupchat/WhatsApp for their areas to stay in communication about crimes and emergencies. Has anyone in the Palisades done this with success? It would be nice to get more things like that going.
Good Luck
Good Luck to all the Turkey Trotters this week!
It’s always so fun to see all the ways the community celebrates Halloween. There were some fun and spooky events this year!
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